
Saturday, February 27, 2010

The start of something new

I was compelled a few weeks ago to begin writing again. Not just writing, but journaling my life as it passes by and sharing it with the world - whoever wants to read anyway. I've been on a different kind of journey for some time now. As a new mom, I count myself tremendousely blessed. I have an amazing husband who is very loving, passionate and supportive of me and all that I desire - even more, he's in love with God - our Creator, Savior, Jehovah - our Redeemer! We were overwhelmed with joy when Josiah, our son came into our lives - he is such a joyful, gentle beautiful child and God granted me a healthy pregnancy and I would say, Supernational childbirth with a peaceful and short labor and delivery and no medications - answering and even exceeding all our prayers. I was also able to continue with my schooling, something that caused me some anger once we found out we were pregnant because I thought i'd for sure have to drop out due to finances, time, and my desire to take care of our son. It's definitely been a hard road but one that will pay off this May when I graduate my my Masters in Social Work! woohoo- thank you Jesus! As a present, graduation comes the day before Josiah's 1st Birthday! Although I live thousands of miles away from where home is, my heart has changed for West Virginia and I now have a home here too. A home with my family, great friends, mentors, a body of fellow believers to worship and fellowship with and the birthing of new ministry. With all that is going on in my life whether at home as a wife or mom or as a student, daughter, sister and friend - one can imagine that there is never a dull moment. To think that just a few years ago, my life was completely different and I was living single, traveling the world, had my own place in a suburb of Los Angeles, enjoying a rather satisfying life, going out every weekend - working hard but playing hard too. I am so glad that I decided to finally surrender my entire life and my every plan (and there were many plans) and allow God to write my story - one of genuine love, peace, and victory. God definitely writes the best stories for our lives when we give him the pen to our canvases and allow him to!