
Monday, June 6, 2011

Abreu family Update

To our family and friends,

As I was getting ready to send out recent photographs of the family and Josiah, I realized that a little update was probably warranted. Here's what I sent out in paper format along with Josiah's 2-year birthday photos and family photos:

I am so grateful for social media such as facebook and of course other modern-day technology such as the cell-phone to keep in touch with family and friends, however I know that a lot of times, our schedules don’t allow for a proper greeting and/or update on family life. I thought I’d go back a few years ago to letter-writing and just share a bit of what’s been going on lately with my family and I, especially for those far away from us J

First, David and I will be celebrating our 3-year anniversary this month on June 7th and boy, can we look back and see how our lives have changed…

David: As most of you are aware, David decided to go back to school to finish up his Bachelor’s degree two years ago. Well, he is still persevering and doing great. After a major-change last semester he has been motivated to take an extra full-time load to meet his deadline goal. I am so proud of him that he has made Dean’s List the past few semesters and is on track to graduate this December of 2011 with a BA in Criminology and Investigations! This summer, he is busy taking full-time coursework (before baby arrives) as well as interning at the Mon. County Courthouse with the Victims program. He is still in prayer about the future career God has and all that lies ahead.

Josiah: We just celebrated Josiah’s 2nd birthday on May 17th and were blessed to have a couple gatherings with friends from his day-care and our neighborhood as well as a little party in Lancaster, PA with my family who relocated there from West Virginia last year. It is difficult not having family close to us but Josiah is doing very well and is surrounded by a great group of people here that we can consider family. He is currently doing great with potty-training and if it were up to me, can be fully trained by next month (my goal was to be rid of diapers by the time his little brother arrives). His vocabulary is increasing by the day, he enjoys singing, telling stories, absolutely LOVES reading and his new thing is playing outside with the older neighborhood boys.

Baby Abreu #2: We have yet to decide on a name though believe we can have one by the time we’re forced to decide at the hospital J He is due to arrive on July 7th which makes me about 36 weeks and counting! We are blessed that the pregnancy has been going as perfectly as can be, he is very active, moves and kicks perhaps more than Josiah used to. We are believing for his birth to be “supernatural” no-pain meds, without complications and easy as can be. Hey, everything is possible through Christ right!

Carmen: After finishing the Spring semester in early May, I’ve been working part-time at WVU on a special project while David is at his internship although I finish this week so will have about a month off at home with Josiah before our new bundle of joy arrives. I’ll graduate as well this December with David, (on the same day as him too) with a Masters in Public Administration as part of the dual-Masters degree program with Social Work that I completed last Spring. This fall, I plan to continue my position at WVU working with new students at-risk of dropping-out while completing my coursework. Depending on which doors open up for David, I’m open to being a stay-at home mom while following David in wherever his career make take him though plan to eventually utilize my training at least part-time in a social services or higher education field.

Well there goes my “brief” update J We hope to hear about your lives and will try to keep you posted on what’s next for the Abreu family after December. We’re looking forward to a busy next few months especially with our new Abreu addition arriving soon. As always, we covet your prayers as we prayerfully await to see what God has in store for us in 2012.

Love Always,

The Abreu Family (David, Carmen, Josiah and #2 Abreu)

We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9