(mostly for my personal record since I'm always forgetting these beautiful milestones)
Birth weight: 9lb. 7oz
Birth height: 20 inches
Birth head cm: 14.5cm
4-day weight: 8lb 12 oz 21 inches
2-week weight: 10lb 2oz 22 inches (15cm head)
1-month weight: skipped appointment
2-month weight: 13lb 25 inches (18cm head)
- Started laughing
- very strong lil guy
3-month weight: 13lb 14oz
- Began reaching /grasping for his toys and people
- pulled his teachers scarf off her
- began talking..talking and more gibber gabber
4-month weight: 15lb 2oz 25 inches
5-month weight:
- first plane ride to California
- met grandpa, aunties and lots of family
6-month weight:
- getting around everywhere on the floor
- said "mama"
8-months: 18lb 2oz 30 inches
- Standing up
- first tooth: one single tooth on the bottom :)
- on all 4's crawling
- all over the place, walking around while holding on
- 2nd tooth (a chipped one next tot he other on the bottom)
- Standing up
- first tooth: one single tooth on the bottom :)
- on all 4's crawling
- all over the place, walking around while holding on
- 2nd tooth (a chipped one next tot he other on the bottom)