
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Ocean City/DC Family getaway

Our family just returned from a nice 4-day getaway to Ocean City, MD and Washington DC. It has been 9 months since our last family getaway and I was thrilled to be able to plan this little outing with our family this month.  It all started back in January when I came across an awesome GROUPON deal for a family resort in Ocean City, MD. I thought late-March would be the perfect time to go. Josiah had spring break and with David's work schedule giving him Sunday-Tuesday off, late March would be the best time. Granted, it would still be a bit chilly out but the resort featured an indoor water-park which could compensate.

After making the resort reservation, I mapped out our route and discovered a few places along our trip that would be nice potty breaks (for kids- rest breaks for us Adults).  I had to go to the Drives, Diners and Dives (Food Network channel show) which has a map of all of the places that have been featured - I found an awesome Mexican food dive just outside of DC (1/2 a mile from our exit) to stop by en route to Ocean City.  I also, called up a couple of friends who live in the DC area to meet up with for a visit or a meal.  I found 2 other restaurant GROUPONS that we ended up using which saved us 50% off our meals (lunch in Annapolis and Dinner near our hotel in DC). Last, I sent a few emails to our state Senators and Representatives to inquire about White House tour passes (if granted, I was going to extend our stay for a night or two in DC since we would be passing right by the DC metropolitan area to Ocean City).  

Most of my inquires were met with success and overall, it ended up being a lovely and relaxing (for the most part) getaway.  Most importantly, the kids and David and I can remember this trip (in the freezing cold) for years.  

So, without further ado, here is a look of our little (coupon-filled) getaway:

  Her longest Road-trip yet - Alegria Jubilee (8 months new)
Pit-Stop outside of DC/Baltimore to R&R Taqueria for authentic Mexican lunch

Driving on a Bridge over the Chesapeake Bay

Francis Scott Key Family Resort
(Highly recommended, included a nice indoor water activity park, an indoor arcade, fitness center, cute family style suite with full kitchen and tons of outdoor activities which we didn't get to utilize since it was too cold such as miniature golf, pirate ship play area, numerous other outdoor activities) 

Enjoying family water-fun

 (Jubilee's first time in the pool with mama since her birth-day!)

 Assateague Island, Maryland, where the wild horses Roam!
(We grabbed some Starbucks that morning upon loading up our car and drove 9 miles outside of Ocean City to Assateague for a spontanteous added getaway before heading to DC. ) 

After visiting the wild horses and stepping out on the beach for a few minutes, we drove about 90 miles towards DC, stopping for lunch in Annapolis.  After lunch, we headed to the National Mall and found the perfect parking spot right across the street from the Air and Space Museum entrance.

 Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, DC

After about 3 hours in the museum, we raced back to our car (it was freezing rain and beginning to snow), then drove towards our hotel, grabbing a pizza on our way.  

The next morning, We Headed to our tour of The White House

A few plans were cancelled (due to the extreme cold) but we were blessed to be able to keep our Visit and Dinner date with James and Linda McCaffrey at their lovely home outside of DC.

After Dinner and great conversation, 
we drove (4 hours) back home.

p.s. It ended up being in the 30's the entire time (although the wind chill factor made it feel like it was in the 10's!) It was way to cold to be out, let alone with the kids.  The National Zoo and other museums, Martin Luther King Memorial and other DC tours will have to wait til' next time! 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

De-Clutter Challenge UPDATE

I've been working on this 40Bags in 40Days challenge and have had some progress with the Kids' Bedrooms and our Kitchen.  Here are some photos I wanted to post as motivation for myself that with 3-kids at home,
 this can be done! :)

 (This stuff above will be going to Goodwill)

 Boys Clothes Organized - Check

 Jubilee's out-grown clothes Organized and put-away - Check

This is why I need another storage rack - Christmas tree and Christmas Decor all put away in bins/boxes with Boys clothes. 

In another 6 months or so- I'll be going through the boys clothes again to swap out Daniels' 2T size with Josiah's hand-me-down 3T clothes..but until then,  I feel some-what accomplished.

Here is my list of what still needs "De-Cluttered": 

1) Family Room Closet
2) Josiah's closet
3) Daniel's Closet
4) Jubilee's Closet

5) Our closet (ahhhh-scary!)
6) Stack of clothes on the baby swing in our bedroom (scary too)
7, 8,9) Kid's drawers
10) My dresser drawers
11) David's dresser drawers

12) Container, Bowl cabinet
13) Fridge
14) Freezer (hey, it technically is another area right?)
15) Plate/Cup cabinet
16) Medicine/snack cabinet (need to get rid of all of that Halloween Candy and expired meds ASAP)
17) Business cabinet (miscellaneous repair, mail sorting area
18) Kitchen table paper-pile
19) Recycables (needs organized)

Living Areas
20) Entry-closet
21) Shoe area 
22) Laundry room

23) Kids toys in bins
24) Family room bookshelf
25) Hall closet

26) Store Christmas tree in better area with other decor
27) Get another shelving unit for bins - better organization
28) Sell/rid of toilet and misc. building supplies
29) Recycle 
30) Fix/do something with the broken wagon wheel
31) Get rid of thomas ride alongs and tracks
32) Organize home improvement materials area
33) Hang strollers with hooks to Garage wall
34) Fix garage door opener/clean area

35) Organize outside shed
36) Clear out trunk from our bedroom
37) Clear out donation area/Goodwill/yard sale
38) Clean out bags in garage from work/old school
39) Organize desk area in Jubilee's room
40) Clear out my diaperbag/purse

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

40-day De-Clutter Challenge

So a friend of mine invited me to participate in a 40-Day De-clutter your home challenge and boy, has it been a CHALLENGE.  I am definitely not a hoarder, but I do tend to buy and/or keep things in my home that I don't need to for one of the following reasons (or mix thereof) 
1) emotional attachment 
2) I "will use it eventually" 
3) I might need it, someday
4) I got it free or really cheap and couldn't pass it up

The point of the challenge is to pick one area in your home/car/life and clean-it out.  Recycle, Throw-away or Give-away 1 Bag each day for 40 Days.  That's 40 Bags in 40 Days.  The bag can be any size, it can even be a box...but the point being, to de-clutter what's around us so that we can breathe better.  

I started days 1, 2, 3, and 4 great...although I then went out of town for a few days and returned and just have not had much motivation to do much else.  So, for the purpose of getting this in writing, here is the list of areas I need/want to tackle (since, if it's not in writing, it really may never happen) 

1) Family Room Closet
2) Josiah's closet
3) Daniel's Closet
4) Jubilee's Closet
5) Our closet (ahhhh-scary!)
6) Stack of clothes on the baby swing in our bedroom (scary too)
7, 8,9) Kid's drawers
10) My dresser drawers
11) David's dresser drawers

12) Container, Bowl cabinet
13) Fridge
14) Freezer (hey, it technically is another area right?)
15) Plate/Cup cabinet
16) Medicine/snack cabinet (need to get rid of all of that Halloween Candy and expired meds ASAP)
17) Business cabinet (miscellaneous repair, mail sorting area
18) Kitchen table paper-pile
19) Recycables (needs organized)

Living Areas
20) Entry-closet
21) Shoe area 
22) Laundry room
23) Kids toys in bins
24) Family room bookshelf
25) Hall closet

26) Store Christmas tree in better area with other decor
27) Get another shelving unit for bins - better organization
28) Sell/rid of toilet and misc. building supplies
29) Recycle 
30) Fix/do something with the broken wagon wheel
31) Get rid of thomas ride alongs and tracks
32) Organize home improvement materials area
33) Hang strollers with hooks to Garage wall
34) Fix garage door opener/clean area

35) Organize outside shed
36) Clear out trunk from our bedroom
37) Clear out donation area/Goodwill/yard sale
38) Clean out bags in garage from work/old school
39) Organize desk area in Jubilee's room
40) Clear out my diaperbag/purse

Feel free to join in on the challenge and De-clutter your life of what is unnecessary!