
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Letter to friends (05/28/08 10 days til I say "I do"!)

I'm Counting Down for the day I will marry my Best
>Friend.  Time has passed by so fast I could hardly
>believe - Life, Ministry, Work, School, Family, and
>now Love :) has been at times, overly consuming
>especially as Wedding Plans have been well underway.
>Before, my body becomes One with another, I figured I
>should write at least one more update.  Also, it was
>about time I wrote another journal to capture these
>once in a lifetime moments.
>I've been residing with my parents in West Virginia
>for 8 whole months now, having relocated back in
>September 2007, leaving my work, apt, friends, family,
>church and home in California.  Since being here,
>things havn't been easy.  I experienced my first
>snow-filled winter, totaled my car on the icy December
>country roads, and nearly ran over bambi's entire
>family (deer) on my commutes to work and bible
>studies.  Despite being so far away from home, God has
>helped me to open my heart and make room to call WV my
>new home. (ahhh - trip out on that).
>Even though I live here with family, I had not lived
>with parents for five years leading up to my moving
>here.  Although their support has been incredible, I
>am so grateful that God has allowed David to be in my
>life or this transition.  God knew that David would be
>instrumental in helping me adjust to West Virginia
>life so that i can be a happier, more adjusted and
>content California girl among the hillbilly's and
>mountaineer folks out here.  I'll never forget the
>times I spent this past winter, shoveling snow and
>hard ice covering my entire car just so I can go to
>work.  Then on those rough winter nights when I'd have
>to shovel a snow-covered driveway at 1am to park my
>car after a long night at work :) (David would
>encourage me over the phone and remind me of God's
>sense of humor and plans for me)  Gracias mi amor...
>I committed to serving with my family out here in the
>ministries God entrusted them with and boy has it been
>a committment.  But God has been faithful, seeing me
>through every event, determining my steps every single
>Now we just got back from an East coast Women's
>retreat held May 23-25th which was planned by our very
>own "Women of Power" at Praise chapel Terra Alta.
>Endless hours went into planning the event but God
>definitely showed up and I'd have to say it was the
>best retreat I have ever attended.  I definitely took
>a step "out of the boat" and unloaded several things
>that were keeping me comfortably inside of it.  The
>these was "Stepping out of the Boat" based on the
>scripture "we have been crucified through Christ and
>we live by faith knowing that Christ lives inside of
>us" (Galations 2).  Over 80 Women joined together at
>Lakeview Resort in Morgantown from over 7 different
>churches across the East coast, in PA and WV. We were
>more blessed to have Sister Maria Corral from PC Las
>Vegas also join us along with another sister from her
>church.  The weekend could not have gone any better.
>Regarding my career. I'm still working at the
>drug/alcohol treatment center and purposing every day
>to share love with the adolecent clients.  Doors are
>opening and on several occassions, clients have asked
>me to pray for and with them so that they would sleep
>peacefully, for their families, court hearings, and
>strength to make it another day.  My heart breaks as
>the teenage clients share with me their past
>eperiences with abuse, rape, abondonment and
>prostituting their bodies as a means of obtaining
>drugs, and in attempt to find love.  When I committed
>to moving out here, I knew a big ministry I would
>serve with would be the youth - little did I know, it
>would be youth not from the church as I assumed, but I
>would be serving the youth on the streets whom have
>little to no hope in their futures, let alone their
>Savior.  Continue to pray with and for me as I allow
>God's light to shine through me and ultimitaly
>shedding light into their lives so that they will draw
>near to its Creator.
>God is so faithful and I know He has me there for such
>a time as this.  In going back to School this August
>for my Masters in Social Work degree, turns out, this
>facility will serve as my fieldwork placement as
>well...paid Internship...Amen! Where do I sign?
>So yes, life is busy, has been and will probably
>always be..but I'm loving life and looking forward to
>everything the future holds, for me, for my marriage
>with David, family, ministries, friends and everything
>10 Days and counting...David moved into our new home
>together and has been preparing the place for his
>bride.  Remember that God is so good and He does give
>you the desires of your heart, when you trust Him and
>put Him first in your life.
>Til next time -
>God Bless You and Yours
>Carmen Renteria

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