
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Growing weary

Have you ever wanted to just do something rebellious, despite your convictions because you were tired of always doing good? Maybe it's not the "doing good" part, but more like the "I'm working harder, waiting in lines longer, putting up with more attitude from people at the store, having to listen to a telemarketers full schpeel til I can politely let them know "I ain't interested ..but thank you". Indeed, it's hard trying to do right and so tempting to do otherwise. I was feeling like this recently and talked to my husband about it.

So While going through life, it's so easy to take short-cuts, to cheat a lil here and there, tell that friend or just acquaintance of yours what they want to hear so to avoid a long disagreement or discussion. It's so much easier to do what's best for You right now, rather than for the person you were called to be.

It just doesn't seem right's feels as though doing good by people is almost a punishment, or at least can sure feel like one. In this fleshly, tired body of mine, life would be a whole lot more convenient if I got a full nights rest unbroken by the restlessness of Josiah whose schedule is all messed up right now due to teething (and the Starbucks I've been drinking lately). Even when he finally does nap, there's a list of other things going on like tending to the hubby, dishes, school work and other things that although benefit me in the long run are primarily tended to for reasons beyond myself.

All I know is that I shouldn't grow weary for doing right. I shouldn't complain because life is good - and it really is compared to the large majority of the rest of the world. And to be completely honest, even when I feel weary, when I just wanna go to sleep rather than cook dinner for my family or listen to a stressed out friend about issues going on in her life, or whatever frustrations I have when I see others getting away with not doing the "right" thing, I realize that I am still content, I am happy, and I am blessed to be given such a strong conviction and I thank God for His grace as I remember the words of Jesus "Do not grow weary for doing what is good, for in due season, we will reap a harvest of blessing". Galations 6:9

Indeed, my husbands encouragement made me feel less weary at that moment. Although I already knew these things, it felt good to be listened to, and encouraged from somebody whom I respect, deeply admire, and love and from somebody who in my opinion, does more right than anyone else I know. Now he is a stickler for doing right and does not hesitate to put me in check when I speed even just 3 miles over the speed limit!! haha,,,speeding is speeding he says .....

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