
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Potty Training

I havn't been a mother for very long (2 years, 4 months and 9 days to be exact), but in my time of motherhood, I think that my least favorite part is......................potty training. Now, Josiah is actually doing very well and David and I are so grateful that we were able to start training him early (around 18 months) and he was in pull-ups by 22 months. However ------------- it is so frustrating to know that our son can definitely go to the potty by himself, and ask to go to the Potty if he needs help but after doing so well for days...just decides to go in his Pull-UP. I hate the clean-up, I hate having to wash clothes that have been pee'd on and worse, having to take him constant showers (actually, David does most of that and absolutely hates it). So, I guess I"m just venting here but truly, we are so proud of our boy and glad he is doing so well. he is actually a role model for going potty by himself in his class at school and the teachers are always telling us how good he is about going, and well, how sweet he is and what a good listener he is..and all that which makes us feel tremendousely blessed...that all our training sessions at home, and discipline, prayer and attempt at consistency is actually working to some degree...but regardless, maybe we have high expectations of our son but everytime he does have a potty accident, we are disappointed. We are frustrated. We are even, angry. Why angry? Because he knows better. He has been trained, he has been encouraged, he has proven himself and to us that he is ABLE..and yet, he messes up and not only does he have accidents (because truly, they are not always "accidents"), he has "on purposes" and he has "I just didn't feel like stopping what I was doing's". As I write this, I recall how I can be like Josiah with God, my heavenly Father. I know I am able, I have proven to myself and others that I am capable, i know better and yet, I purposely go against my training and what I know to be progress in my life and have "I just didn't feel like stopping what I was doing's". So, as much as I get frustrated with Josiah's potty training, and as much as I hate cleaning up nasty, smelly pee'd on sheets, clothes and undergarments, I will continue to love, support, encourage and cheer for my little man, because he is my son and because I am proud of him just for being who he is, and because I LOVE HIM.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

4 years later

I posted this on my facebook wall earlier today

‎4 years ago today, I was somewhere in Missouri en route to West Virginia for what
was supposed to be a 1-year ministry commitment -- turns out, that ministry
was marriage and a family :) Truly, we can make our plans but it is the
Lord who determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9

I am in awe that it will be four years tomorrow already that I can call myself a Mountaineer. I recall purposing to move out to assist my parents who were church planting pastors of Praise Chapel in Terra Alta, WV. They had a vision of a establishing a community center and with a background in human services, grant-writing and non-profit work, I agreed that I would take a year off from Grad School and help them. Little did I know that only 3 days after arriving, a young man by the name of David whom I had been in a long-distance courting relationship with would propose and I would end up applying for graduate school at West Virginia University (about an hour away from my parents and the church).

I did write that grant for funding and had begun lots of preparation work however, none of the 20 grants we applied for gave us funding and not many doors had opened. My mother however did establish a learning center called In His Steps which because a type of community center as it served the community in so many ways. God's light was able to shine out of that place through the love my mom and the teachers showed the children, were able to pray for parents day -in and out as hardships often arose, parents of the children were drawn to God by the love shared in the center and some even came to know God, I helped plan several events at the center including annual Harvest Fairs on Halloween night and provided case management services to clients in the building.

Anyways, my parents moved away and the church and center closed..but seeds were planted, LOTS of seeds had been planted.

Four years later, I am married, graduated with an MSW (Masters in Social Work), bore two beautiful sons, Josiah (2 years), Daniel (2 months) and anticipated a second graduation in December with a MPA (Masters in Public Administration). I can proudly say that David's life has also changed and he is also getting ready to graduate in December with a Bachelors in Criminology and Investigations.

Daniel's development

Daniel's sleep schedule is changing again which means....another GROWTH SPURT!! Thus far, he has been to the Doctors' 3 times: at his post-delivery check-up (4 days old), at a (2-week) wellness checkup and (2 month) check-up. We skipped his 1-month check-up since he was devleoping and eating great, at the top of his weight per age and because we decided on a different immunization schedule foregoing the 1-month old recommended shots. So, just for my records and for those mama' who care to know, here were my big boy's stats:
at Birth: July 16, 2011 9lb 7 oz. 20 inches 14cm circumfrence
4-days July 20, 2011 8lb 12 oz 21 inches 14.5cm (his lowest weight)
2-weeks 10lb. 5 oz 22 inches 15. cm
2-mos Sept. 13lb 25 inches 18 cm