
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Daniel's development

Daniel's sleep schedule is changing again which means....another GROWTH SPURT!! Thus far, he has been to the Doctors' 3 times: at his post-delivery check-up (4 days old), at a (2-week) wellness checkup and (2 month) check-up. We skipped his 1-month check-up since he was devleoping and eating great, at the top of his weight per age and because we decided on a different immunization schedule foregoing the 1-month old recommended shots. So, just for my records and for those mama' who care to know, here were my big boy's stats:
at Birth: July 16, 2011 9lb 7 oz. 20 inches 14cm circumfrence
4-days July 20, 2011 8lb 12 oz 21 inches 14.5cm (his lowest weight)
2-weeks 10lb. 5 oz 22 inches 15. cm
2-mos Sept. 13lb 25 inches 18 cm

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