
Monday, July 18, 2011

Introducing the newest Abreu

It's been along time acomin' but here it goes.
Daniel Micah Abreu is here!
He arrived after along night of manually trying to manipulate labor without the use of drugs. Needless to say, the little guy just was not coming. I was dilated at 7cm. my water was broken and contractions went from 3 minutes apart to 12! At about 4:30 in the morning after arriving at the hospital at 7pm the night before, we were tired and I just wanted nothing more than to hold my baby boy in my arms. So we induced using pitocin and at 6:46am, without any pain medications, relying solely on God's peace and still believing for a Supernatural Childbirth, a healthy 9lb.7oz boy arrived! No rips, NO PAIN (discomfort and frustration yes, but I can honestly say No pain), NO meds! We praise God for out beautiful, big bundle of joy!

Now since Daniel arrived 9 days past the due date and his size was of concern not to mention the fact that he had not engaged in the pelvic cavity yet (his head wasn't in position), he was sideways and arrived "sunny-side up" (with his face turned up). Apparently, his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck as well ( I didn't know until my sister told me half an hour after birth) but all I remember is my sister had one leg, my hubby had the other and our midwife Gail Nurse and friend Clare video-taping were screaming "PUSH, PUSH, PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!" Our nurse then practically got on top of my belly using her hands to help push the baby down. I remember pushing through 2 contractions (about 4-6 Looooononnnnnnng pushes) and I remember pushing for my life, with everything in me. Then, feeling my son kicking inside of me and his arms waving around (it was the most amazing, intense and emotional feeling I had ever experienced..perhaps more then the birth of Josiah, our 2 year old)...then hearing his cry as our midwife placed him on my chest...tears overflowed, my baby boy was here.

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