If you follow my facebook, you've probably read a few of the things my newly 3-year old says. I took a little time to write a few of them down but wanted to make sure I keep better track of it. The innocence of a child is so precious. The constant need for a child to know the answers to "Why?", "How come?" and need to ask numerous questions is all a part of learning and a part of their development. David and I make it a point to always answer those questions honestly. This has been a challenge at times but as David says, it will be worth it in the end when he realizes that we always told him the truth, never lied to him --even when it hurt. (hoping we don't have to answer some tough questions in the near future)
With that, here are a few of his most recent sayings:
July 2011/26 months - me: Josiah, where did you get your intelligence from? mami or
Josiah: "God"\
January 2012/31 mos - So David and I were trying to figure out the cause of Daniels whining when
Josiah holds his arms out and says "I think he wants me!!!" :) #precious
June 2012/37 months - while walking through a park we see a lady wearing a hijab "head
scarf typical in Muslim culture" and Josiah points to her and states
"Mami, it's Mary!!"
- David and I listening through the sound monitor to my 3-year old saying "Jesus,
will you help me not be scared?" (as he lays in his bed) #melts #my #heart #prayer
- Mami, are you my best friend? (me: of course I am), Josiah "no, but i'm your
little boy"
July 2012//38 months - Josiah " Papi, did you kill Goliath?"
David "".....this is the perfect opportunity to take credit like many
fathers do (looking at me)......(turns to Josiah), no, Josiah, I did not kill
Goliath, that was another David"
...then David proceeded to remind Josiah about the story of David's love
for God :) #saturdays #familydinner #conversation
those are too cute!