1) Draw closer to God
I admit that I'm terrible with reading the Word. I'm terrible at sticking to devotionals and other books. I start reading plans with great intentions but for some reason or another, don't finish most all of them. My first goal is to draw closer to God first in prayer, then in my reading of His word and other books inspired by it and also by communion with others (now that part I've got pretty down) and also as I strive to be more like Jesus in His selfless love for others such as: how can I reflect Christ more as a wife to David, as a mother to Josiah, Daniel and Jubilee? As a sister, daughter, friend and at my workplace? I've started an awesome devotional on the Hillsong church app by Brian Houston - each read is short and sweet and I have easy access by having it on my phone. So far, I'm sticking to it and i'm encouraged by them by most of all, I know that drawing closer to God is the only sure way to be happier, more content, more satisfied, more joyful and MORE of Him in 2014 then I was in 2013 :)
2) Develop Me
Like many moms, I spend most of my time thinking about and doing things for your kids, and family. After all of the daily tasks are completed, there isn't a whole lot of time for me- and if there is, it must be done in the comfort of my home so I can do them once they are asleep or taking naps. In 2014, most of the "developing me"--which sounds very selfish---is done at home but all with the motto "when mom is happy, the family is happy" so really "developing me" is equally "developing others". Some of these include: going back to working outside of the home, starting a home group, sticking to things that I enjoy and work for my family and continuing to take care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually.
3) Pay A Little More Attention to my Husband.
Since having three kids, time spent with just David and I is rare and although each year we make it a goal to have regular date-nights (meaning "out of the home"), the task of finding a good babysitter (since our family all lives out of state), the weather or kid's schedules (one of them is sick, or one is having "one of those days which we don't want to expose to others) or something else always seems to get in the way. We enjoy good times together on our couch - cuddling up with a movie when the kids are asleep, but this year, I want to really make it a goal to try new activities with him, engage in new dialogue, explore new places together (if this can be possible at all). I would love to have a getaway with him for a weekend-Oh how I would love that! (though nursing the princess makes this goal pretty impossible for awhile)---maybe one day...Oh and I also desire to look less at my phone and just be very present during the time we do have together.
4) Put Down my iPhone
Multitasking is a mom’s middle name, so it makes sense that we sometimes need to answer an email or respond to a text while the kids are around. But if you’re like me, you find yourself nearly addicted to checking what’s new on the phone. Sure that text is hilarious and that email is top priority, but I really don't need to check my facebook newsfeed or instagram at every stoplight (not really every stoplight - maybe every other) or be on the computer while my children are playing next to me (sad truth). My children want to feel like they have my compete attention and although I give them lots, I don't want my four-year old to ever have to ask me "hey mom, pay attention to me!" (because I know he has probably had that thought a time or two or hundred).
5) No more Yelling
As much as I hate to admit it, I sometimes yell. It is something somewhat new to me since I never used to be a yeller. Around the time my first-born turned 3, I found myself on those occasions when "he just wouldn't listen", -- yelling in pure frustration for him to do something or stop doing something that I asked him 10 times before not to-or to do. I recently read a great article about how Yelling really makes no sense at all and I agreed with it completely. It does more harm to all parties involved than any good we think it does and plainly, it is not necessary as it does not work. Sometimes it feels like raising my voice is the only way to get my child's attention but really- it's terrifying for them and makes me feel so guilty afterwards. So in 2014, my goal is to yell no more!
6) Don’t Be So Hard on Myself
Growing up, I've always been somewhat of an over-achiever. I wanted to excel and do all things with excellence - as "unto the Lord". This habit has served me very well in most endeavors of mine but I am still far from perfect. Being a mom has been the hardest things I've ever taken on and in alot of ways, I am challenged more and more each day. Motherhood doesn't come a manual, it doesn't require education or training but yet it is the most important job in the world---and you know what--I've been given the task to mother 3 children!!! What a responsibility!!! So on those days when I lose it with my kids or let them watch four hours in a row of television (I confess) because I needed "a break", I want to be less hard on myself and lead by example by giving myself a break. I won't be perfect, will always strive to do my best but for the times I'm not, I will give myself a break and try better the next day.
REVISED: with the addition of #7 (I also did some spell check as I re-read what I wrote after publishing and boy, was it difficult to read! I published it just as Daniel woke from nap so that I can "be present with him" :)
7) Eat Cleaner
7) Eat Cleaner
Yesterday, I was invited to an amish farm's food-tasting party. It was freezing cold out but I stopped by on my way home to where it was held (in a garage in our community which serves as a bi-monthly drop off location from the farmer to local residents. I shook the amish farmer's hand and got to try all kinds of awesome raw-cow milk and sheep products such as cheese and ice cream, fermented vegetables organic teas---I was inspired and felt so healthy and just CLEAN inside (haha). I think it is incredibly awesome that I met the farmer who grew and raised the product which I was ingesting. I can say that I've never been an "unhealthy" eater for the most part. I've never really been a soda-drinker and growing up, I would say that I ate a somewhat balanced diet (for the most part). After moving to West Virginia however, my diet became a lot more healthy since there my food options diminished by a huge fraction (not to mention they don't have taco or burrito stands nor good mexican food options!). Then after marrying David, my diet became even more healthier as I learned to incorporate black beans-instead of re-fried beans, little to no fried foods, butter instead of margarine, whole wheat bread (vs. white), natural juices (vs. Tang of Koolaid) and other substitutes which were easier on his stomach (since he has a sensitive one). So, over the past 6 years or so, our family diet has been getting better, more natural and more organic. In 2013, we also started eating more fresh vegetables as I started our first home garden and became a frequent shopper at our local farmers market. We also purchased a Nutri-bullet and joined the green-smoothie craze (which lasted a few solid months before dwindling down). Long story short, in 2014, I want to continue this trend and take it to another level: More local and organic meat-maybe buy a piece of a cow, finally join one of the many crop-sharing programs offered by organic farmers in our area. So, let the cleaner eating begin!
Happy New Year and feel free to comment with any of your Resolutions for 2014?!
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