Perfect day date with my love. My mom watched the kiddos for a couple days so we could get some uninterrupted work done at home. She kept them longer and told us to enjoy a Saturday together. It was a much needed adventure. We rode his motorcycle about 14 miles on the hwy and down country roads to one of our favorite places, Coopers Rock State Park. it's a nice ride uphill in the mountains. We then parked and walked/hiked around a bit, taking fun pictures at random abandoned lodges, jumping over cliff rocks, and keeping an eye out for rattlesnakes. We rode down and then grabbed dinner and sat by Cheat Lake to eat with the sunset skies looking down on us. It was perfect. So grateful to be soon celebrating 12 years of marriage with this hunk. It's now always easy, but the word and watering of our marriage garden, is always worth it. Also, huge shoutout to my mama! I think the kids also had more fun at grandma's house, than we did. Win win for all! 😍❤️ My mom
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