I just put Josiah down for a nap and couldn't help but stare at him. He is 14 1/2 months old now and becoming my little boy rather than my lil baby :( Recently, I have found myself in awe of all the things he is learning. He mimics so many things David and I do, and so many things he sees others doing around him. The latest things he repeats are "Sit" as he points to the floor, just like he sees his daddy do, and "Tapatio" - that was the cutest, as I was looking in the fridge for my fav. hot sauce asking David if he had seen it..lol. Needless to say we were rather impressed. But not just words, he repeats our actions too and with that, I realize even more, the importance of setting a good example for him. Because little feet will follow big feet and little mouths will repeat what they hear big mouths say and the tone in which they say it in. Like a certain song goes:
I saw two little feet
Walking in my footsteps
And I heard a little voice
Askin' things I didn't know
I touched some tiny fingers
That reached out for direction
If he's gonna follow me
I need to know just where I'll go
If he's following me
Then Lord I need to follow you
If I'm a living example
I need a whole lot of your life
And if the steps I take
Will influence him forever
I can't afford to lose
Lord help me... make it right
Walking in my footsteps
And I heard a little voice
Askin' things I didn't know
I touched some tiny fingers
That reached out for direction
If he's gonna follow me
I need to know just where I'll go
If he's following me
Then Lord I need to follow you
If I'm a living example
I need a whole lot of your life
And if the steps I take
Will influence him forever
I can't afford to lose
Lord help me... make it right
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