
Monday, August 16, 2010

top 5 Things I loved in Summer 2010:

1. Being a stay-at-home mom
It's not gonna be easy returning to school and work, actually I already started training for my new job so I guess my summer has been officially over since last wednesday..nevertheless, I definitely enjoyed my summer with the hubby and son...apart from our Dominican Republic and New York trip for 2 weeks in June, weekends we spent visiting friends in Philadelphia, Lancaster, PA and Washington DC, we went to the zoo, hosted friends from California and showed them beautiful West Virginia points of interest, our family had plenty of late nites together and on some days, even slept in til noon!! (yes, skipped breakfast and woke up in time for lunch..ikes!), we also got to go on evening walks, played at the park, watched tons of videos, movies, ate homemade meals each day (except for a few dates we had since not having employment, funds were also very low), but we had good times and an enjoyable summer indeed.

2. Trip to Dominican Republic
We took off on June 2nd and returned June 16th from Pittsburgh to Santiago, DR via a 2-day stop in New York City. There is soo much to write about this trip that i'll have to make another post about it. In short, to celebrate our 2-year wedding anniversary, Josiah's 1st birthday, enjoy a getaway and most importantly, give David's mother a vacation and trip to her homeland and reunite with David's part of the family - we spent a good portion of this years Child Tax Credit Return and had a vacation. We mostly spent time with family but did get to enjoy a few nights at an All-Inclusive Resort in Puerto Plata, the northernmost beach on the island. The trip was unforgettable and such a blessing to experience, reminding me of all the things we have to be thankful for in America and bringing David and I closer as I got to learn more about his heritage and where he comes from.

So many videos, so many shows that I had only heard about..i finally got to watch some great shows and movies..and the best part....all for FREE!! My husband kept poking fun of all the shows and swore that I was wasting my time...I probably was, some of the time, but some of my most memorable shows I got to watch and wish I could have made time to watch earlier seasons sooner: Ugly Betty, Glee, America's got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance, and America's Next Top Model. Other shows that I normally watch on hulu (before getting cable) that I had to catch up on due to end of school finals, events and trips were: Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Army Wives (still on), Life Unexpected, and Desparate Housewives. I did not however have to catch up on LOST :)

4. YouTube
Since I had a whole lot more time at home this summer and most of my friends were either gone (graduated and into the next chapters of their life) or just busy (busier than me anyway), I got to explore YouTube videos on a whole new level, browsing and browsing and getting lost in a world of home videos and movies that are broken up into like 20-different video segments :) it was very fun, I learned a lot and only felt lame just a few times. Here are some of my favorite videos, and others that were just plain useful.

Olive's homebirth: makes me wanna have a homebirth for our next one, so amazingly beautiful, you can see the love between the young/hip husband and wife, such a beautiful family and as a mom myself, I could relate so much to the bittersweet photos during labor and delivery. Truly a miracle!

Make your own Pore Strips:
This video is awesome, looks like it really works and I'm looking forward to saving some $$$. Gotta love these do-it-yourself, make-it-yourself tips :)

5. Starbucks coffee
mmmm..since I've been weaning Josiah quite a bit since his first birthday (he's actually weaning himself to be correct), I have enjoyed being able to drink starbucks is soo good, how I've missed it. I nearly stopped all coffee drinking after discovering I was pregnant back in September 2008!!..delivered Josiah in May 2009..then was nursing him and did not want the caffeine to get into my milk. I started drinking regular coffee (although not starbucks because it is way to strong) but now....mmmmm..I brew it most mornings with my various creamers and milk and have enjoyed the aromas and taste of coffee in general. I love it!


  1. Isn't free tv on the internet great? Thanks for the Hulu link!

  2. sorry, just read this comment. yup, gotta love HULU :)
