
Friday, September 3, 2010

Freedom of Choice? Your Mom Chose Life.

I recently checked my myspace profile (i havn't been on it in months since facebook took over my time). I was looking back at my past blogs and came across this one. It especially suprised being that I almost forgot about writing it, let alone posting it for the world to see. It brought with it, bittersweet emotion as I remember writing it after a discussion in class in which the girl sitting next to me said that she believes a woman should be allowed to choose, even at 6-months with child. I was 6-months pregnant at the time and wanted to scream at her "you're telling me that this belly here (pointing to my belly) does not have a living child inside, that my son whom my husband and I read and sing to, whom we've already named "Josiah" is not yet a human being even though he kicks me all the time. That his heart beat does not matter!" And I am not a screamer. I was mad at myself after class for not saying anything, I believe I was just so angry and in shock at the ignorance so many people like her have towards life. And I guess, I was afraid I'd cry and wouldn't be able to get my point across. By the way, it was winter in West Virginia at the time, snowing alot, and she wasn't somebody I really associated with in class (not that I didn't want to, just the opportunity never came) so my pregnancy was not known by many so I'm sure she would not have made the statements she made had she known. But maybe she would have. So, I didn't speak up in that class at the time, but I did end up using the topic as a frame of reference for an assignment in that class. It was a policy class for my Social Work graduate program, in which we had to give our opinion about a bill currently in the legislature. I chose the FOCA. Here is what I wrote, and here is what I posted. I may just post in comments, the comments and feedback I recieved from readers.

Freedom of Choice? Your Mom Chose Life.
There seems to be people in the country that believe that Barack Obama is against abortion. What an ignorant statement to have when throughout his campaign he promised that the first bill he would pass as President is yet the grandest pro-abortion policy in the history of America. Yes, I’m talking about the FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act).....

The FOCA act would force us, American taxpayers to pay for abortions worldwide and would literally nullify every single anti-abortion law in both federal and state governments. This FOCA act would disregard every conscious protection law, parental consent for minors, bans on partial birth and live birth abortions among others. Every bans on abortion practices and procedures would all be annulled. Now where is the people’s choice in this? ....

Even in the liberal state of ....California...., the Supreme Court in 2004 convicted Harold Taylor of not one, but two counts of murder for the shooting deaths of Patty Fensler and her 11-week to 13-week-old unborn child. In schools today, a minor cannot receive aspirin from the school nurse without parental consent yet, a child can put their life in danger and kill their unborn baby without that same consent? We, Americans do not realize what this FOCA act entails and it is heartbreaking to know that such a bill resides in Congress today.....

Whether you believe unborn children are alive or not, abortion certifies that they will never breathe. This FOCA aims to reduce the number of abortions in ....America.... however, researchers estimates that 125,000 additional children would be slaughtered per year with the new rights FOCA offers. There’s a saying in ....America.... that “mama knows best” – well we have a voice today because our mothers chose “Life”.

The FOCA, if implemented will make all abortion procedures into basic human rights. Do you believe that babies are a punishment? I’ve come to realize that every single child is a blessing, equipped with a purpose and capable of promoting “CHANGE” as our President has so adamantly proclaimed. Truly, if the American people desire “CHANGE”, we must be this change ourselves and begin by educating our minds about such issues as this Freedom of Choice Act. ....

Pro-Life supporters believe that human life begins at conception. Doctors have concluded that at 18 days after conception, the heart-beat is formed and pumping – at this early stage of pregnancy it is almost impossible for a woman to even know she is with-child. We Americans know that a pulse means that life exists and have several medical laws based on performing cardiac-resuscitation in emergency rooms, nursing homes and hospitals. Without a medical power of attorney signed by a patient, law mandates all medical personnel to perform any means required to help save human life. Yet, the lives of an estimated 4,000 growing human beings are taken each day despite their pumping hearts.....

If your mom chose life, than I urge you to better inform yourself on this FOCA act while your heart is still pumping. Whether Americans truly support this act or not, remember that your voice can make a difference. Write to your legislators, talk to your friends and neighbors and most importantly, consider being an advocate for the millions of fellow human beings whom will never have the chance to speak nor the right to vote!

- Carmen Abreu & Josiah (the gift living inside of me)

February 2008

1 comment:

  1. The following are comments I received after I initially posted this to my myspace blog.

    Mel wrote:

    I hope its not rude of me to comment on this. I believe in any situation abortion is not an easy choice for any women to make. She is never happy about it. You said "Every bans on abortion practices and procedures would all be annulled. Now where is the people’s choice in this?" But isn't it our individual rights to choose for our own lifes how we are affected. a random person who lives in california shouldn't get to decide for a girl who gets lets say raped in florida whether or not she should get an abortion. I do believe that life is a precious gift but isn't a persons choice how they are affected in their individual lifes.

    Posted by mel on Friday, April 10, 2009

    My response:

    This issue is a sensitive issue because of instances like rape..and I'm not offended by your comment at all - in fact, before I was pregnant, i felt that under certain circumstances like being raped, that a woman should have the ability to choose. I've known many people to have abortions and my heart goes out to all of them because truly, they felt that abortion was the best option for them at that time...the pain and emotional scars however that result after having an abortion (nobody can ever prepare one for) and i've found almost all of these women to live with such deep pain and regret. Pregnancy as a result of rape or incest is terrible and a sad reality for any woman and her family - but it is my belief now that despite the reason, the baby should not be the one to blame - if anything, go after the rapist - the baby is innocent and didn't choose to be hard as it might be for the woman to go through with the pregnancy knowing how much a child will affect her life - the emotional wounds of having aborted the child are far greater..and when a woman sees her child despite the circumstances, she knows that part of that child is from her...adoption is also such a beautiful alternative for a woman whom is not ready to be a mom..there are so many loving people ready and willing..praying for the opportunity to care for and nurture a child. So my these extreme instances like rape...blame the father but leave the baby out of it - give them a chance. And I believe in about 97% of abortion cases, rape or incest isn't the issue at all...

    Posted by Mrs. Abreu on Saturday, April 11, 2009

    Sarina posted:


    Posted by SARINA on Saturday, April 11, 2009
