Family and Friends,
So, mommy-hood has definitely been keeping me busier than I had imagined. Here's just a brief update on what has been going on lately. Josiah is now 4-months old and is a very healthy boy. He has doubled his birth weight and is nearly 18lb. strong and 26inches tall :)
David and I couldn't be more blessed as parents to such a joyful, peaceful, and happy baby who loves the company of others, is always smiling and who seems to always make our days even brighter. His hair has also gotten a whole lot longer and there's not a place we don't go in which a stranger does not compliment his crazy cute locks…
Apart from loving on our family's new addition, David and I both study full-time. After 5 years of being out of school, God opened up the doors for David to return to WVU to finish up his Aerospace Engineering degree as well as to finish taking flight lessons toward his private pilot license. It's been very exciting for us and especially for David since he's desired to complete his education and earn his pilot wings for years. Please keep him in your prayers as returning to school with a family is not an easy thing. As for me, returning to school0Aafter 3-months of being a home-and-milk-maker has definitely come with many challenges. God willingly, all of the hard work and sacrifices will pay off this May when I graduate with an MSW (Masters in Social Work) degree!!
My advanced placement internship (large part of my graduate program) has also been a tremendous blessing, working with my hectic schedule and being more than gracious allowing me take nursing breaks and to top it off, paying for my school tuition and giving me a living stipend (very, very, rare opportunity)!! Truly, when God brings you to it, He'll take you through it!! I say this only as a testimony and to brag about how good God is when we choose to put our faith in Him, and even when we don't. To think that I was on the verge of dropping out of my program after finding out we were pregnant due to financial reasons as well as physical ones- David and I had decided to allow God to give us gifts (children) in His timing (which apparently is a crazy thing to do) - to be honest, I had many doubts about it as well but after God delivered, provided, and exceeded all of our expectations from the pregnancy, to the amazing labor and delivery and still to this day - I tell you, I have no doubt that putting all our trust in God is well worth it-even w hen we don't understand it all at the moment. Oh, and not to my surprise, West Virginia University had their Children’s Learning Center, state of the art facilities grand-opening in August (after years of preparation), just in time for baby boy Josiah to enroll in - so while David and I are in class, studying or at my internship, we feel assured that Josiah is being well taken care of and developing his own sensory, motor and social skills.
Wooh-I can't help but get excited just thinking about the provision our Father has for His children. So, what started as a 1-year commitment serving at Praise Chapel Terra Alta, WV with my parents has turned into an engagement, marriage, son, and returning to graduate school not to mention an amazing experience of new fellowship with awesome friends and the birthing of new ministry - (tomorrow marks 2 years of my arrival to WV). Being the loving Father that He is, He has also granted me several new friendships with other girls and women (something that I’ve prayed for since moving here). Close friends and mentors of ours also recently adopted a newborn girl 2 months after Josiah’s birth so now we even have friends to lean on as we go through all of this new parent stuff together :)
Okay, again, this turned out to be not-so-brief afterall but you probably expect that from me already :)
Feel free to let me know how you all are doing, and know that I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Blessings to you and yours! Here’s some recent photos of Josiah and our family.
Miss you guys!
Carmen Abreu
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