Hey Friends and Family,
Wanted to share a few pregnancy photos along with an update. I'm very happy to say that everything is going great out here, I have but few complaints. The weather is warming up which means no more shoveling snow or scraping ice off my car for 20 min. in the freezing cold (at least until next winter) - no accidents this winter either (which is difficult when roads are wet and icy).
I've been working my new job now for over a month and loving my clients and all the other perks that come along with it like making my own schedule. School is also coming along great although these next five weeks will be a challenge since i'm trying to finish up this semester at least 2 weeks earlier (before finals week which is when baby is due), but I'm ready for the challenge and grateful that my professors have been so understanding and willing to work with my situation.
and aww - The joys of pregnancy - our baby "Josiah" (tho the name might change at birth) is growing big and kicking harder and harder every day. Its so amazing to feel his body inside of my womb and to watch my belly move as he wiggles, kicks and does all kinds of crazy moves. David bought a stethescope so that we can hear his heartbeat and for only $20. we've been able to listen to his precious life as it continues to move and grow.
As time draws nearer and closer to the due date, my excitement is also increasing - 7 weeks to go now and boy, am I nervous but I also know that God is in control of everything and so my confidence is in Him who gives me strength.
thank you all for your love and support and please Continue to keep us and the baby in your prayers as we believe for a healthy and supernatural delivery.
p.s. These pictures are of 4 1/2 months, 6 and 7 1/4. I havn't got the rest of the professional prints yet so here are some mixed prints.
Carmen & David Abreu
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