
Friday, October 3, 2014

Boy Meets Girl: notes from a journal dated November 2007 (Summary of David & Carmen)

Boy Meets Girl

September 15, 2007 - David arrives in Los Angeles
  In preparation for her move from sunny California to the Mountain ranges in West Virginia, David flew one way to 
  accompany her and two friends, Cynthia and Debra on their cross- country trek.  Arriving a week before the set departure
date, David and Carmen spends time with family, her father, church relationship counselors, pastor and enjoy what may be the last
days of Carmen's life at home.

September 20, 2007 - Carmen moves to West Virginia
  After spending all morning doing the final cleaning, packing personal belongings, storing belongings and handing over the keys
of her VW Jetta, David and Carmen go for night on the town, double-dating with Carmen's long time friends Della nad her hubby Cal.
Checking out the Icehouse Comedy Spot in Pasadena after an awesome Japanese dining cuisine in which they shared a savory, delicious 
Salmon and Sushi rolls.  At 2am, Friday morning Cynthia and Debra arrive to pick them up and Carmen's home sweet home on Live Oak Street is no longer 
own.  The four drive cross- country on a journey of a lifetime. Missing the grand canyon in attempt to make it into Terra Alta for Sunday MOrning
Service.  Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Kansas and the unforgettable, Springfield Missouri in which we were blessed by meeting missionaries,
at Starbucks and heading out to a Chocolate factory on our way out.  Indiana, Ohio, kentucky, Pennsylvania and finally West Virginia. Finally, 
the four of us arrived just in time to freshen up for church on Sunday, September 23rd, 2007 for a one-year committment to serve alongside 
with Cynthia at Praise Chapel Terra Alta.

September 27th 2007 - Engagement
  It was a long, work filled day at her parents house where "sleeping-in" is hardly an option and there is always some kind of 
work to do.  David was over the house that day visiting for our 7 month anniversary.  Things didn't go as he planned and she was feeling tired
by the time their "quality time"came up.  Sitting on her parents front porch swing, their favorite places to converse while sipping hot cups of 
chai tea, David had to work over-time to romance and warm her over the exhaustion she felt.  After about an hour of swinging and staring into 
one another's eyes, as she layed and he stared down into her eyes, he brought up the conversation of dates they would marry.  MOnths before, he asked 
her not to bring marriage up until he initiated the conversation and so she patiently waited, though desired deeply to allow for dropped hints to lead 
the topic.  "How long will you wait for me to get married 3 Years?" Hesitant and a"larmed at the length David proposed, Carmen replied, 
"I can wait but don't you think that's too long?", "David replies "well we'll be able to buy a house then, be more financially secure and hopefully be finished 
with school by then to be at a more secure level", she replies "yes, thats true ...I guess...but I think we can be financially secure before then", "but, will
you wait? Will you wait 3 years to marry me?" "Yes, I will but really, I don't think we have to wait that long". Trying not to smile, David again proposed, 
"well how about 2 years? Will you wait?" "2 years is better than 3 but still, I think that we can marry sooner... but if you want to wait, then yes I'll wait".
Again, David asked, "okay, so what do you think about a year?", trying to hide her smile she replies "now thats more like it...I think a year or less than a year
is perfect, as soon as we start working, we can begin saving money and then consider marriage.  Just then, David looked down at Carmen and asked "Will you marry me?"  Unsure if that was a real question, Carmen asked "Really?! Are you asking me?..umm. ya, I'll marry you, were you really asking?  David replied "Yes!"   

To date (during courtship and early engagement, Books We've Read:
- Wild at Heart & Captivating
- Boy Meets Girl
- In Search of the Proverbs 31 Woman
- The Five Love Languages
- Sexual Intimacy in Marriage
- Love & Respect

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