
Friday, October 3, 2014

Journey to WV: (September 5, 2007)

Hey Friends and Family!!!

As most of you may know already, I will be departing
on September 20th for a drive across the country on a
journey of a one-year mission to assist the pioneering
Praise Chapel Ministry in Terra Alta, West Virginia. 
I along with a close friend Cynthia Amezcua have been
prayerfully making preparations for our move for
several months now and as the date comes closer, we
wish to share some events and information that we
invite you to participate in with us.

A little more about why we would leave Sunny So Cal in
exchange for a small town in the appalacian mountains
of Preston County, West Virginia.  Long Story short -
God asked us to and we desire nothing more than to do 
His will, not our own.  As young adults, heavily
involved in various ministries and community orgs in
our hometowns, we would like to take the visions we
have to Terra Alta, WV where we can assist in various
ministries and activities that are currently not in
place due to lack of resources nor willing assistance.
West Virginia is currently ranked the 2nd poorest
State in the Country and Children rank 47th of 50th in 
Overall Well-being (US Census).  Our Vision is to see
that these numbers change, one child, one youth and
one family at a time.  We will be committing to serve
under Praise Chapel Terra Alta, West Virginia with 
Pastors Wally and Norma Oviedo and assist them in any
and all church ministries including: Sunday School,
Worship Team, Youth Ministry, In His Steps Preschool
and Learning Center (state certified Praise Chapel 
Christian Pre-school), Womens Ministry, i.e.

Two other Goals include:
- Establishing a Greenhouse Young Adult Bible Study
in Morgantown, West Virginia (one-hour down the
mountains from Terra Alta) and also home to the 
infamous West Virginia University Mountaineers.  WVU
also currently ranks as the #1 Party school in the
nation.  Please be in prayer with us in this as in all
things especially.
- Establishing a Community Youth Center.  I am 
currently editing a final proposal which I will be
submitting for State and other non-profit Grants in
attempt to purchase or lease a building and make it
into a state-certified Christian Community Youth
Center (kinda like the YMCA) that will be a safe haven 
for families, children and youth hosting several
social services programs.

These goals of ours no doubt will come with
challenges, but in these days we live in, when do we
not have challenges to overcome right? "How beautiful 
on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good
news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who
proclaim salvation..." Isaiah 52

As we make our final prepartations, we invite you to a
few events coming up:

#1 - Fundraiser Bake Sale
     When? Thursdays, Sept. 6th, 13th 2007
     Time? 6:30-8:30 pm
     Location? Frisco Burgers in Downey, CA
               Frontline Warriors Bike Night 

#2 - Going-Away Celebration
     When? Saturday, Sept. 8th
     Time? 1:30pm
     Location? 7908 Melva St. Downey, CA 90241

#3 - Yard Sale (need to get rid of lots of stuff) new
      and used (all funds will go toward gas money 
      for our cross-country drive) -- Donations of
     furniture, and man labor i.e are gladly accepted.
        When? Saturday, Sept. 15th
        Time? 7:00am - 2:00pm
        Location? 5225 Live Oak st. Cudahy CA. 
                 (Cross streets Wilcox/Florence Ave)

#4 - Greenhouse Bible Study Sending off meeting and
         When? Friday, Sept. 14th, 2007
         Time? 8:00pm
         Location? Parra's house. 
                Ibetson Rd. Downey, CA.
                (for directions, call me)

#5 - Attached letter asking for support through
     prayer and finances.  If you or you know of any
organizations with a mission to serve 
underrepresented, low-income and impoverished
communities, please pass this flyer along.  All
donations are tax deductible.  All donations will go
directly toward the furtherance of the mission towards
expanding God's kingdom through children and youth 
ministry activities as well as the establishment of
the youth center.

Thank you for your time.  I will miss you (despite how
long we may have known one another)...just as I will
miss Sunny and beautiful California, the Beach, my 
friends and family, my beautiful nephews and nieces,
LTA Sisters, CSUF friends, Praise Chapel Brothers and
Sisters, my Greenhouse peeps, my sistahs, the poetry
lounge in hollywood, my car :( , and all that Cali and 
people here has imparted into my life...Thank you all
and God Bless you!

For Questions don't hesitate to call me!

In His Service,
Carmen Rose Renteria 

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