
Friday, October 3, 2014

Letter to friends... (December 18, 2008 We're having a boy!)

Dear family & Friends,

In the face of what everybody is calling this national "economic
crisis", I am finding myself being blessed beyond measure - all thanks to
God.  Just wanted to share brief update with our family and friends since
announcing our pregnancy. (this may not be so brief after-all)

I'm happy to say that my first semester of Grad school went extremely well,
considering all of the fatigue, nausea and all of the symptoms that come with
pregnancy that i had to deal with :) there were several times during lectures
and discussion groups where i had to excuse myself to the ladies room or times
when i couldn't stare at the computer screen even though i had 10-page
papers to write.  Nevertheless, 1 semester is down, 3 to go and I'll be on
the Dean's List.  David couldn't be more supportive and the dozen roses
he surprised me on my last day of finals was truly just an example of the love
he's shown through-out this rather difficult semester.

Today, we had the baby's first sonogram and after watching our
 baby dance around, suck his thumb and pose for pictures, we were told that we're having a "boy".  We were really convinced that we would have a girl
considering all of the dreams and feelings we had but we are excited nonetheless
and ask for your continued prayers with the remainding pregnancy term.  Baby is
now half-way into term at 20 weeks old and Doctors' say he's perfectly
healthy weighing about 8 oz and around 6 inches in length.

I was tremendousely blessed today to be offered a job working as a private
contractor doing case management for pregnant women and women with children. 
Not only will I be learning more about babies and pregnancy but i'll be able
to also help and nurture women back into physical, emotional and mental health
through the services the agency provides. Along with being able to help other
women, this position will pay 3x's more than my current part-time salary and
will allow me to work from home and have a flexible schedule which has been a
prayer of mine and Davids for when the baby is born.  David and I were planning
on me staying home after I complete my internship placement hours so to avoid
any unnecessary harm to the baby (since i serve as a social work intern at a
residential treatment facility that can become violent at times).  Only God
knows because unlike social service programs, David's company is being
affected by the economy so this new job may just be the solution we'll be needing.  My new agency supervisor also assurred me that a maternity leave would be no problem, and that my pregnancy would actually benefit the clients I serve by giving them hope by exemplifying how a mother can also educate herself and/or be employed if they so choose.  This agency is also Christian-based and can also serve as my advanced internship
placement for my graduate program next year.  Truly, i
 couldn't be more blessed right now and am so grateful that God is in control of everything and He takes care of everything - more than we can ever imagine or do ourselves.

Okay, so i guess it wasn't so brief, but please, continue to keep my
family, my parents Pastor Wally & Norma and the entire church of Praise
Chapel Terra Alta, in your prayers.  We covet them all and appreciate all of the
sentiments from home (california), especially during this holiday season when
most of our family and friends are 3,000 miles away...

Miss You, Love you, God Bless You and Have yourselves a Merry Christmas and a
Happier New year!
Carmen Abreu

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