
Friday, October 3, 2014

Journey to WV: (September 28, 2008)

Update on life as Mrs. Abreu…

 Tomorrow marks the One year anniversary of my presence living in West Virgnia – crazy, that means that a year ago, I was driving cross-country on my way fulfilling my one year commitment to live with my parents and assist the youth and the church here. Little did I know what God really had in store for my life. Soon after arriving, I got engaged to a wonderfully made and handsome man of God named David who truly is a man after God’s own heart. I did assist the youth– both at church, the community and at a adolescent drug rehabilitation center, where I soon found employment. 

 I endured my first real Winter with snowstorms and icy roads, totaled the newest car I’ve ever owned just 2 weeks after purchasing it and was face to face with all kinds of wild animals (mostly on these country West Virginia roads) – For 8 months, I lived with my parents after having been on my own for 5 years –truly, this was a blast  . Let’s see, while working full time, planning a wedding, house chores and taking care of family responsibilities along with all of the commitments in ministry such as leading our weekly young adult bible study “Greenhouse” along with David and his former roommate at their Morgantown apartment, planning an East Coast women’s conference, various special youth events, touring Christmas choir and being a taxi to my younger high-school siblings – life was full of excitement.

 June 7th, I got married then moved out of my parents home and in with mi amor, David who had been preparing our home for us. We honeymooned in the Bahamas then returned home to everything again before flying back out to California to visit with more of my family and also attend our church World Conference in Arizona. We had an amazing time celebrating our new marriage there and getting ministered to, my husband also received a miracle as God healed his back that had been injured since childhood. We then returned back home again to our full schedules of life, work and ministry. 

 Today, I am a student again, a Masters of Social Work 2010 candidate, in my 6th week of graduate school at WVU, and doing my internship at my employment site part-time while David works and plays with his band as they prayerfully prepare for a record deal. We are both attending my parents church in Praise Chapel Terra Alta, about an hour up the mountains from where we live in Morgantown. It’s a beautiful drive, although the winter is coming again and the snow can make the roads very treacherous. David now leads the youth full band worship team and leads in worship every other Sunday. This is an answered prayer for my parents whom have desired live worship for four years! I continue to minister in Vocals on the worship team, and assist with teaching Sunday school, greeting, usheretting and working the sound system (alternating at least two ministries each Sunday, of course). Those who remember how it is to be apart of a baby church know that this is how it goes.

 The Greenhouse ministry is also bearing fruit and God is moving tremendously in the young adults who are a part of it. Last Friday, we had a record 17 people – some had to sit on the floor and even stand in the doorways because the room was so full. God is bringing in more college students from the #1 party school in the nation which is only a block away. A couple of months ago, God led us to start a series studying the book of Genesis – it’s been very exciting as we have grown into having intense discussions on God’s Creation as compared to the world’s Evolution theories. Greenhouse is also hosting a shoe drive along with Praise Chapel to collect new shoes and socks to be sent to orphans around the world. 

 It is definitely an exciting time right now with everything going on and it will only get more exciting with our baby on the way!!! Yes, I saved the best for last – David and I are 7 weeks pregnant!!! We are excited and as nervous as any newlywed, young, busy couple can be. This news may not come as a surprise to some of you as we have received numerous remarks of dreams and such that would soon have a baby. As I remain confident of God’s plans in my families life, and as He prepares us for this new exciting addition to our family - Please keep us in your prayers. Our baby is due the first week of May which is also my Finals week of school. As of now, I plan to continue school and work with my professors to maintain all assignments, i.e. however we are open to whatever God wills. 

 Again, miss you all and David and I hope to visit California again very soon. Take care and know that God knows that plans He has for you, plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you Hope and a Future (Jeremiah 29:11). In closing, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the faithfulness of God, truly He has given me the desires of my heart, desires that I had not even known until He gave them to me. “For if you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of Your heart” Psalms 37:4. 

 Truly, God writes the most beautiful love stories imagineable.
Til next time,
 Carmen Rose Abreu

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